Support 2024 Esf

The Council has recently agreed to support the campaign to make lithium batteries for e-scooters and bikes safer for all.

The Bill being put forward to parliament includes the following clauses: –

Clause 1: would require third party independent approval testing for e-bikes, e-scooters and their batteries before entering the UK market.

Clause 2: incidents of fires and harmful fumes resulting from lithium-ion batteries in waste vehicles and landfills are increasing.  There are reportedly more than 200 landfill fires annually, making up 48 percent of all fires, costing £158 million and contributing significantly to pollution.  This clause requires the government to establish regulations for the safe disposal of use lithium-ion batteries.

Clause 3: addresses specific fire concerns, ensuring safer access, charging and storage of lithium-ion batteries.  While an outright ban is suggested by some, conversion kids remain a financially practical solution, especially for gig economy workers reliant on sustainable transportation.  Implementing a standardised approach to kits could establish design and installation controls, mitigating foreseeable risks.