

Soham Town Council has a duty to consider, where there is resident demand, provision of land for allotment use. Soham Town Council has provided land for Statutory Allotment use since the 1930’s at:

  • Berrycroft (Statutory Allotments owned by Soham Town Council)
  • Weatheralls (Statutory allotment land under 2 legal arrangements)

Soham Town Council is a member of NSALG.

To enquire about current availability, waiting lists and applicable fees please contact the Town Office.

The Council currently has no intention of selling any Statutory Allotment Lands which are restricted by Law as to their use or disposal.

The Millcroft allotment land has been purchased from Pembroke College to be re-purposed as an extension to the cemetery.  Pembroke College has retained a portion of the land.