A young Oak tree and plaque

A Haven for Wildlife

Councillors and volunteers have been working hard to establish Drayton Meadow as a haven for wildlife.  Many trees, hedging and wildflowers have already been planted with more to come.

More recently we’ve been able to clear the old agricultural buildings at the entrance to the site to tidy this area and encourage wildlife.  Everything that was taken down has been recycled – from the tin sheds to the concrete, which has been crushed and re-laid on the footpath leading to the Meadow to help keep the path usable through the wetter months.

Future plans include wildlife information boards and a wildlife camera has now been purchased so the community can watch the day and night activity of wild animals and birds via a digital link on our website (look out for this in 2024!).

When complete, the town council hopes the new site will form part of a green loop around Soham which also includes the town’s five commons, its Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) mainly located at Wet Horse Fen, wetlands and established protected green sites.

Town Councillor, Rosemary Aitchison said: “We are really excited to be working on this project for the benefit of the wildlife in Soham and for local residents. While the area is currently open to the public we have lots to do in terms of enhancing the meadows over the coming months and years, and I hope as many people as possible will get involved in supporting us during this time.

“Soham is already rich in beautiful green spaces and biodiverse wetlands. The location of the meadows close to the town centre forms a vital piece of the jigsaw when it comes to creating a green loop around the town which will help nature to survive and thrive.”

(Quote from press release, October 2023)

For more information on some of the wildlife present at Drayton Meadows please visit our dedicated page – Drayton Meadows