Close up of meadow showing wild flowers

Land Needed!

The Council is actively seeking parcels of land to acquire for burials, sports & recreation and open spaces.  We have funds set aside in our budget for this, as and when anything suitable becomes available.

We have recently completed the purchase of a portion of land on the Butts which is currently used as allotments (although we have not purchased the whole allotment site – some of it will be retained by its current owner).  This will be repurposed and used for an extension to the cemetery which it backs onto.

We also purchased Drayton Meadow which we have been developing as a wildflower and biodiversity meadow with a walkway through, and we have secured funding from ECDC’s Pride of Place Grant to enhance the Meadow further with more tree planting, bug and bird boxes and a wildlife camera.

If you own land that you think might be suitable for any of the purposes mentioned, please do contact us on: [email protected]