
Green & Open Spaces

Soham Town Council’s grounds staff maintain the cemetery, allotments, Drayton Meadows wildlife area and the recreation ground.

Verges should be maintained by Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC).  However, in April 2024 the Town Council employed an additional groundsman who is tasked with looking after many of the verges which CCC no longer cut regularly enough so that the town looks tidier. If you spot an issue with verges, please contact us [email protected]

There are many areas of green and open space providing play equipment within housing developments which are managed either under maintenance agreements between the developer and ECDC (or CCC) or, where this is not the case, the areas remain the responsibility of the developer.  Often, these areas are maintained by a management company.

The common lands in and around the town are privately owned and the majority of Soham residents only have rights of foot access along designated footpaths. The provision of road tracks over which cars may pass are Rights (privileges) given by the owner of these Commons.

Dog walkers should endeavour to keep their animals on leads at all times and only on the designated footpaths. On most areas of open country and common land you must keep your dog on a short lead between 1 March and 31 July (during ground nesting season) and seasonally where there are grazing animals.